Monday, January 16, 2006

A Day Off.
So today I'm supposed to be celebrating MLK and enjoying the day off. Instead, I am working from home in Levi's and three layers of clothing (it's still cold and unfortunately So Cal apartments weren't built to keep the place warm). Oh wait. I am supposed to be working but I'm really doing is reading friends' (and even some non-friends') blogs and flipping back and forth to the work I'm supposed to be doing. That's a more accurate picture of what's happening here. I just discovered this blog that made me want to confess a secret:

When I think of something juicy enough to send in, I'm there. Till then, back to work. Or maybe I'll spend some time thinking of a secret and carefully crafting a postcard. Or cleaning the bathtub. Or ironing all those clothes that are hanging in the closet screaming for attention. I also just discovered some crumbs underneath the front of the refrigerator that really need to be cleaned much to do! And only half a day off left...


Ms. McGowan said...

I anxiously await the posting of new secrets each Sunday. It makes me feel less alone!

I've submitted a few of my own secrets, but apparently they're not all that profound. And, I didn't have pictures of naked people on the post cards that I created-- I think that gives you a shoe in a door. :)

Sarah Joy said...

I liked your blog so much that I decided to start my own. My blog today includes a reference to you (and your blog) and how much I admire what you and others have done in the ministry.


malita said...

Yeah we thought those procrastinating tendancy's would leave us as we left college - nope they are with us forever I'm afraid. Funny what chores we find to do...